How to Improve as a Sydney Airbnb host

How to Improve as a Sydney Airbnb host

Significant changes have occurred in the Short Term Rental Accommodation industry recently. Lockdowns, border closures and legislation have all made a difference to Sydney Airbnb Management in 2021/ 2022. MYP Services are helping a few hosts through the current environment with their property.

We have a few tips on how you can continue successfully as a Airbnb Host in Sydney.

VRBO and Airbnb Listing

Ensure you have as much detail on your listing that’s visible to a guest prior to their booking. This includes all the benefits of the property, location tips, any extra fees and importantly mention anything that may negatively impact a guest. There shouldn’t be any negative surprises. However it’s always a nice surprise if your property and service level is above expectations

Pricing Your Sydney Airbnb Property

I have found that during lockdown and as the state opened that many Airbnb hosts are using price as their only competitive advantage. We manage Sydney Airbnb properties that range from $100/night to over $4,000/night, pricing needs to be competitive but don’t get caught in a price war with other nearby properties. Higher occupancy and revenue can be achieved with a point of difference.

Regular Updates and changes

We have always edited our listing descriptions and photos regularly. The most important reason for doing so is to ensure everything is current, however you should always test and measure. At MYP Services we ensure we regularly change listing name, details in the listing and photo order then see what works with guests. Have you asked your guests what they were drawn to with your listing?

Sydney Airbnb Cleaning

Airbnb Cleaning is something we have always kept to a high standard with any property we managed. We ensure every property once cleaned is photographed, then a supervisory check is carried out followed by the check in team checking again prior to check in. The cleaning fee our guests pay ensure our cleaning team is paid appropriately and provide a high level of cleanliness.

Welcoming Guests

We do meet and greet check ins at every Sydney Airbnb Property and all our Airbnb Managements Australia wide. Our listings are clear on this for guests before they book. We do this for many reasons including that it ensures the person that booked is the person staying. Issues are resolved on the spot and questions are answered straight away, walking round the property with guests makes it easier and guests feel welcomed into the property you manage. Adding that personal touch for us has led to higher repeat stays and strong reviews.

Impact of STRA legislation on Airbnbs in Sydney

From the 1st of November, Airbnb Management in Sydney will change significantly. All platforms, managers and hosts will have to comply with the new legislative framework

  • Registration with NSW Planning Portal – All listings that aren’t registered will be removed off platforms (with 2 days to go less than 30% of existing are registered)
  • 180 day maximum nights booked for greater Sydney Region.
  • Mandatory STRA Code of Conduct for owners, hosts and guests.

STRA Fire Safety Requirements – extended to 1st March

For many Sydney Airbnb Management Businesses and hosts around NSW, this was a welcome reprieve. As new fire safety requirements were initially set for a 1st November compliance date, it was a sensible decision to extend the date with lockdown preventing the ability to ensure all work is completed. Having said that, it’s not just your typical annual fire compliance inspection, every property must have:

  • Interconnected fire alarms powered by mains supply or non removable battery
  • Evacuation diagrams adjacent to the entrance door and each bedroom door
  • Fire blankets and a portable 2.5 kg ABE Fire Extinguisher installed in the kitchen

NSW Planning have a Short Term Rental Accommodation Fire Safety Safety fact sheet

If you have any questions we would be happy to assist. Feel free to also get in touch if you are an existing manager/ Airbnb host in Sydney or the greater NSW.

#Airbnbsuperhost #airbnb #VRBOPremier #Airbnbhosting #ShortTermRentalAccommodationspecialist #MYPServices #STRA #bookingcom

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